15 September 2016

Last night I had this dream: I dreamed I was flying to England and when I got to the airport they told there was no room for my luggage on the plane. So I decided that the best thing for me to do was to wear everything in my suitcase. I put on all six pairs of socks, six boxers, five shirts (long-sleeved), seven t-shirts, three pairs of jeans, some nice chinos, a hoodie, a wool cap, an overcoat, a longish scarf and a pair of low profile fleece gloves. Oh, and some workout shorts. Luckily, I was able to fit my running shoes, toiletries, and electric razor easily into my messenger bag along with my phone charger, passport and the latest issue of "Garden & Gun" Magazine. And then things got weird.

24 June 2016

Here's the story: 
When I was about 11 years old, Famous Monsters of Filmland Magazine came out with a special issue called "Do-It-Yourself Monster Make-Up Handbook." I really wanted that magazine. I wanted to make myself look like a monster. My parents and I were on different sides of the whole monster movie fad that was raging during the 60s. They thought it would leave scars, if not creases, in my young impressionable mind (in hindsight, they were probably right but this is something I never would have told them). 
Anyway, I thought to myself, "Fuck them. I don't need a stinking Handbook to show me how to look monstrous." So I snuck my dad's razor into my bedroom and carefully shaved my red stuffed teddy bear - a birthday gift which no longer fit in with my current interest in vampires, werewolves, mummies and large–brained space aliens. I covered my face with a thick layer of Elmer's Glue-All and pressed the red fuzzy teddy bear shavings into the wet goo.
When my parents called me to dinner that evening, in walked The Scarlet Werewolf.